Have you ever wished you could actually achieve your goals for your construction business?

Move the Needle 
Accountability Challenge
Q3 2022

The Move The Needle 90 Day Accountability Challenge
Enrollment is currently closed 

Here's how it works:

Step #1: You make the commitment that, for 90 days between July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022 you're going to invest time, energy, money, and resources to work ON your business...instead of being stuck working IN it every day. 

Step #2:  You make the commitment to participate in this Move the Needle 90 Day Accountability Challenge by filling out the form below.  

You'll commit to being part of a small group of builders, remodelers and general contractors who have made the same commitment, and want the focus and public accountability a group challenge offers.  This commitment includes attending a Live Meetup at the conclusion (See Step #5).

Step #3:  Before the first day of the quarter, you will commit to 3 specific, measurable goals that will Move the Needle for your business.  These goals should have a dramatic impact on your business, your customers, employees, and family.  These are the goals you want to be held accountable for.

Step #4:  There will be Accountability Checks twice a month to provide focus, answers and accountability you need to maintain momentum on your goals.  You'll share progress with a small group of other members in the challenge.

Step #5: You will attend the Live Meetup in Lexington, KY on October 20-21, where you will share your goals and present your results and your learnings to other members of the Move the Needle Challenge.  You'll also get to hear from everyone else in the Challenge, and network with them.

How much will the layers of accountability built into this 90 day challenge  improve the chances of achieving your goals?

Are you in?  Sign up for the Move the Needle Challenge 
by June 30th at 5pm Eastern.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Sign Me Up for the Move the Needle 
90 Day Accountability Challenge

First name:
Last name:
Cell phone number:
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where is the Move the Needle Challenge Live Meetup?

October 20-21, 2022 in Lexington KY.

What does the agenda for the live meetup look like?

Thursday Sessions:
8am - Noon: Accountability presentations
Noon: Lunch will be provided
1pm - 5pm: Training and breakout sessions

Friday Sessions:
8am - Noon: Training and breakout sessions
Afternoon: Bourbon distillery tour
Evening: Group dinner

Do I need to travel to participate in this?

Yes. This is a live event in Lexington, KY so travel will be required. There will not be a way to participate online.

Who is this Todd Dawalt guy?

Todd heads up the Builder Mastermind Group program, and coaches construction business owners on how to systematize their business. He also runs The Construction Leading Edge Podcast. He has been leading construction businesses and projects for over 20 years, during which he's been involved with over $300 million of construction projects. 

Have a different question?

Email support@constructionleadingedge.com or send a text to 859.667.2015
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